Sunday, 18 May 2014

Fundraising Activity Badge

This blog post will help towards my Fubdraising Activity Badge which I could be awarded in Scouts for fundraising for a certain thing. Right now, I am doing two fundraisers - WSJ 2015 and Cancer Research UK, which my schoool will be funding for.  
As you may know, the ammount of money I will need to raise for Japan is £3,500. So far, I have raised £1512 (As of right now), which means I am just under halfway there already, and well on my way to making that three-and-a-half thousand pounds to get to Japan.

My tips for anyone else fundraising are these: Be prepared to give up some of your time - Fundraising is very important, so be prepared to take up a lot of your free time.  It's worth it.
The Fundraising Activity Badge
Never giveup on your fundraising - If you think about it, you will eventually make your goal. And finally, have fun - If you don't have fun during fundraising, it won't be as worth it!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

More Fundraising!!

I'm back! I've not done a post in absolutely ages, so I'm doing one now. These past few weeks, I have been doing more fundraising for Japan.

The first thing I did was some more bag-packing at the local supermarket. Not much to say, except it was worth it because we got jelly beans. We got money for Japan as well, but...

The next thing we did was a massive jumble sale in the village hall. I was in charge of the tool store, and my friend got 'attached' to a rubber snake. He wore it round the back of his neck for the day as a joke, but ended up taking it home. The joke got expanded.

Anyway, the jumble sale was a real success! The share of the money that we earned was £74.50. I was selling toys at the toy store. There were two brothers coming to buy toys, and they wanted a thing that costed 50p, so i told them how much it was. But the boy replied, "50p?! But I only have £1!" I had to spend about a minute explaining to them that £1 is more than 50p, and they eventually got it.

Last weekend, we went to the Melton Cheese Fair to do car-parking.It was fun, and I found a new kind of food I like. Cheese! I didn't use to like it, but that was shop-bought. The cheese I tasted was home made, and it was gorgeous. I tried home-made cheddar, blue cheese (Yuck), Smoked cheese and, best of all, tomato and basil cheese. I needed more... but on the second day, they had sold out. But oh well, I forgot my spending money anyway!

The first day of car-parking was hot, humid, and the car park was filling up slowly, so a majority of the day was me sitting in the boiling hot sun reflected from the cement ground and occasionally standing up to direct cars. But on the second day, it was less hot, and the car park filled up completely and quickly. After it filled, we went down to enjoy the cheese fair. Woo!

Last Monday, we had a day off school because of May Day! We went to the village's gala to sell books, hotdogs, burgers, and an activity of horseshoe tossing. Basically, the customers had to try and throw horseshoes onto a metal peg. Harder than it seems! The prize was a FULL BAR OF GALAXY CHOCOLATE!! My sister won one, and when I paid to have a go rather than try it to attract customers, I lost. But at the end of the day, I got one. Why? Because scouts who helped carry the boxes of books to our leader's Landrover Jeep thingy were rewarded with a bar of chocolate. Yum!
The BBQ area

The 'Hippie Dome' Bookstall

Altogether, it's been a really busy weekend. We had a break after the jumble sale, but I worked three days in a row, but it was well worth it for all that Japan money and cheese and jelly beans and CHOCOLATE and fun!!

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Quiz Night

Last night, me and most of the other scouts were helping at a quiz night hosted by the parents of, one of the other scouts going to the Jamboree. It was a lot different to what I expected.

Basically, we went to the church room of the village and set up eleven tables. There were going to be eleven teams of seven, and the other scouts and I had to read out quiz questions, and collect in their sheets. The room filled up quickly, and the quiz laws were shown on a projector screen. These were the first 2 laws:

1. The quiz master is always right.
2. Where in doubt, refer to law 1.

When the quiz actually started, we had to read out the questions. There were 10 rounds (5 rounds then supper), and 10 questions in each. All scouts (except 1. No, it wasn't me) had to read out 2 questions. Each table had a picture sheet, e.g flags of the world, filled in the sheet, and passed it to the next table when the round finished.

We had to do 5 rounds, then we had chilli con carne, but there was a disaster. THERE WAS NO SALAD LEFT! Well, it was first come, first serve.

After the actual quiz, we held a raffle, and the host had been using a prize to cover up the projector so that the spreadsheet with the scores on was covered, so that's why we finished about a minute late. Overall, it was a fun night, and I got filled up with jacket potato and chilli con carne (and no salad) and a soft drink. Also, this morning, I was told that i have another £90 from the quiz night, and i was given over £91 from the bag packing on the night.  


Sunday, 9 February 2014

Paracord, Bags, Bags, Bags, Bags & Bags.

I am really excited for the Japan Jamboree (If I raise the money), as I like the Japanese culture, way of life, and really, Really, REALLY like Anime and Manga, as you may be able to tell from the image in my previous post

To help with the fundraising, my Mum and I have been making things out of paracord (parachute cords) and selling them. This will help with the fundraising, as we still have a lot of paracord left, and we have ordered some more colours. (although the paracord is expensive, almost £10 per roll!) Right now, we only have red and black, but we have ordered yellow, purple, and green (I think).

Also, yesterday, me and the other scouts in Charnwood, I am going to Japan with, went to the supermarket local to my scout hut, and did some bag-packing, and we will earn some money between us. My parents have taken me to the supermarket a few times, and have now trained me in the art of bag packing. Hoo-yah!

And, next Saturday, we are going to be holding a quiz night, and I don't know much of what we will be doing, but I think it's gonna involve a quiz (Surprise, surprise), and I think we will be serving drinks, as well. What I am expecting is a trivia sort of thing, and us serving food and drinks.

Although the fundraising is fun, and the jamboree will be fun, raising the £3,500 is going to be a massive challenge because of those deadlines, and the massive total of the money, but I hope that people will support me as well, because we are very low on money at the current time, and I want to go a lot, as this is a once in a lifetime chance for me.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Fundraising & Bank account!

I just got a bank account! It was an account for people under 18 years of age, and I'm using it to save up to go to Japan next year. Oh, by the way, Happy New Year!

Me and the other scouts from my area have been doing some fundraising for the trip. We sold hot dogs and burgers at the village's light switch-on. Also, me and one other scout went around with a bucket collecting money. We also held a jumble sale at our scout hut, and raised £400 between us! We still have over £3,000 each to raise, but we have over a year to do it. We should be raising £190 per month to get the total ammount, £3,500 but the leaders set deadlines for us to have that amount of money. It turned out that the deadlines weren't actually deadlines, they were targets. So if I don't have £600 by the first deadline, I won't be withdrawn. We need to have £600 every two months or so.

We have also been recieving news about the jamboree, and we need to learn a 5 minute song, almost entirely in Japanese. Apparently, they're going to be playing it a lot throughout the jamboree, and I can see it might get INCREDIBLY ANNOYING!!

I am really looking forward to the jamboree, so I hope I raise those three and a half thousand pounds. :)