I just got a bank account! It was an account for people under 18 years of age, and I'm using it to save up to go to Japan next year. Oh, by the way, Happy New Year!
Me and the other scouts from my area have been doing some fundraising for the trip. We sold hot dogs and burgers at the village's light switch-on. Also, me and one other scout went around with a bucket collecting money. We also held a jumble sale at our scout hut, and raised £400 between us! We still have over £3,000 each to raise, but we have over a year to do it. We should be raising £190 per month to get the total ammount, £3,500 but the leaders set deadlines for us to have that amount of money. It turned out that the deadlines weren't actually deadlines, they were targets. So if I don't have £600 by the first deadline, I won't be withdrawn. We need to have £600 every two months or so.
We have also been recieving news about the jamboree, and we need to learn a 5 minute song, almost entirely in Japanese. Apparently, they're going to be playing it a lot throughout the jamboree, and I can see it might get INCREDIBLY ANNOYING!!
I am really looking forward to the jamboree, so I hope I raise those three and a half thousand pounds. :)
I highly recommend following up the Japanese song with a round of "Look at my horse, my horse is amazing". Looking forward to reading more from you!